Join us in revolutionizing the future of California Youth Symphony by contributing to our fundraising campaign. This event will raise funds to support our tuition assistance and free educational outreach initiatives. With your support, we can continue to pioneer groundbreaking initiatives and shape the landscape of our organization for years to come.
When: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Location: Private Residence in Los Altos Hills
Swing Dance Lesson | Silent Auction | Live Performances | Appetizers & Open Bar
Note: This event is intended for adults over age 18.
EARLY BIRD UNTIL JANUARY 31, 2025 - $75/person
REGULAR AFTER JANUARY 31, 2025 - $100/person
How can I help?
- Attend the Music is Magic fundraiser on MARCH 1, 2025
- Donate an item or service to the silent auction
- Bid on silent auction items
- Spread the word
- Share information about the auction with your friends & family
- Make a cash donation, and you can easily Donate Here.
Every action helps CYS meet its goal!
Get ready to bid your hearts out to support us! All auction proceeds will benefit the California Youth Symphony.
Generous businesses and individuals are in the process of donating top-rate items for our auction. Here are some of the exciting items already donated.
- One week vacation property in Kapalua Bay Hawaii. Are you planning an upcoming vacation? Don’t miss out on an opportunity to stay at a beautiful tropical vacation destination.
- Personalized Wedding Choreography: Do you or a loved one have a wedding or other special occasion coming up? Here's your chance to work with an award-winning dancer, teacher, and choreographer to showcase your personality and talents in spectacular style!
The auction will be using an online platform. Bidding will take place prior to and during the event.
To make our auction a reality, we are seeking unique and interesting items to auction off. We seek contributions like gift certificates, event tickets, bottles of spirits or wine, hosted parties, vacation rentals, services, lessons, or tutoring. Contributions of any size are vital to helping us succeed in the planning of the auction. Please contact Lael Sigal at to donate.
Please consider donating to the silent auction. Your donation will go towards the outstanding musical education CYS provides our students.
- Silent Auction Link: Coming Soon