Reserve today for the California Youth Symphony's
2022-2023 Season!
Continue your holiday season with CYS's Wind Symphony and Associate Orchestra as they take the stage for their debut performance this season. The Senior Orchestra will also delight you with festival favorites to warm your hearts. Whether you're gathering a multi-generational group to hear the California Youth Symphony or getting together with friends and loved ones this holiday season, listening to symphonic music together will create memories you will cherish for a lifetime.
Please review our Concert Safety Information before reserving your free tickets.

Reserve Your FREE Tickets to the December 4, 1:00 PM,
Wind Symphony, Associate Orchestra & Senior Orchestra Holiday Concert!
San Mateo High School, 600 N. Delaware St., San Mateo, CA 94044. Free parking. Accessible parking is available behind the theater.
* All dates, times, locations, and repertoire are subject to change.
** Please review our Spring 2022 COVID Health & Safety Information **