CYS Board Opens Search for New Executive Director
The California Youth Symphony Association Board of Directors announced this week that Jim Hogan is retiring as Executive Director after 40 years of excellent service and that a transition committee has been formed to identify his replacement. Hogan plans to enjoy his retirement by traveling the world extensively. He will remain with CYS through July and will be available for consultation after that, according to Dave Morley, Board President.
From Dave Morley:
As many of you know, Jim Hogan has had an exemplary career as Executive Director of the California Youth Symphony. Last month Jim celebrated his 40th anniversary in that position. It is now my task to announce that Jim will be retiring later this Summer.
Although all of us with CYS are sorry to see Jim leave, we are also deeply grateful for the outstanding role he has played in making CYS one of the premier youth music programs in the nation, and happy that he will now have the time to pursue some of his many other interests. And, while Jim will no longer be handling the day-to-day affairs of the Symphony, he assures us that his commitment to CYS and his participation in our CYS family will continue.
CYS has a storied history of which we are very proud – the first American youth orchestra to tour internationally, the thousands of alumni whose lives have been enriched by the opportunity to play in a symphony orchestra, to name just two examples. We would like to assure our supporters that the mission of the California Youth Symphony – providing talented young musicians with the finest musical experience, while serving our community – will continue to guide us. The Board of Directors has recently formed a Transition Committee that is already hard at work evaluating the leadership needs of the organization as we anticipate moving forward to an even more illustrious future.
Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone in our community for the support they have shown CYS over the years. Jim and I both agree that without this support it would have been impossible to achieve the level of excellence that has been our hallmark.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or ideas. I would love to hear from you.
Dave Morley
President of the Board of Directors